Congratulations to our 2023 Royalty!

Tot Queen: Amelia Igoe
Junior Queen: Meredith Canfield
Queen: Holly Phillips
Pictured with the 2023 Queen’s court.
Thank you for your interest in competing for the Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival court! The festival is proud to support the individuals who are crowned and encourage all who are interested to compete for the crown!
Three age groups that compete are as follows – contact the committee members listed below.
- Huntsburg Festival Queen: Female student in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade who attends school within Geauga County.
- Jessica Jackson – 440-636-3172
- Huntsburg Festival Junior Queen: Female student in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade who attends school within Geauga County.
- Megan Maddox – 440-636-2197
- Huntsburg Festival Tot King and Queen: Male and Female contestants who are ages 4-6 who reside in Geauga County.
- Contact either Jessica or Megan at the numbers listed above.