16534 Mayfield Rd

Huntsburg, OH 44046

October 4-5, 2025


PO Box 242

Huntsburg, OH 44046

Tot King: Liam Gladwell
Tot Queen: Amelia Igoe
Junior Queen: Meredith Canfield
Queen: Holly Phillips
Pictured with the 2023 Queen’s court.

Thank You!

We appreciate our crafters, vendors, and everyone that attended this year! You made 2024’s festival amazing.

Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival
October 4-5, 2025 10:00AM - 6:00PM

Free Admission - Contests - Entertainment - Attractions - Crafters - Vendors

Welcome to Huntsburg!

Located in rural Northeast Ohio, we are an annual event that celebrates the season and community. Over two days, visitors can admire giant pumpkins, participate in contests, and explore traditional crafts and artisanal vendors. 

Mouthwatering food, live music and games provide for a fun-packed, family-friendly day in the country.

With its charming rural backdrop, the festival fosters a warm and welcoming atmosphere, creating lasting memories and capturing the spirit of the harvest season.

A sign that says "welcome to the Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival"
A plate with pancakes next to condiments.

Pancake Breakfast

We offer a Pancake Breakfast both Saturday and Sunday from 8:30AM-11:30AM in the basement of the town hall.  We have all-you-can-eat buttermilk and pumpkin pancakes served with sausage and your choice of orange juice, coffee, or water. Our real maple syrup is made right in Huntsburg!

Adults: $10 — Seniors: $8 — Children 5-12: $5 — Children under 5 eat for free (with purchasing adult)!

Breakfast is cash only.

Craft Show - Free Admission

The craft show is a must-visit for lovers of unique handmade treasures. Local artists and craftsmen gather to showcase their talents and offer a diverse range of one-of-a-kind creations.

The craft show is a haven for those seeking exceptional, handcrafted pieces. It’s a wonderful opportunity to support local artisans and bring home something truly special, adding a touch of artistry to your life.

Want to be a vendor?  Sign Up Here!

A vendor at the craft show.

Car Show

Car Show

Pumpkin Run

4 Mile Run / 1 mile walk    



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2024 Sponsors